Hi there! I’m Roumen

Thanks for visiting my new website! I’m currently a graduate student at the University of California San Diego. I study robotics, and I’m currently looking for an internship starting mid-June 2020.

Make sure to check out my blog posts! I post some handy resources there.

And check back soon for a new portfolio section detailing my favorite projects.

My résumé is linked here. Or if you prefer a more detailed version of what I’ve done, you can visit my GitHub page linked in the sidebar. But if you’re still reading this, I’m betting it’s because you want to know something about me that won’t be found on those pieces of paper. Here we go.

I want to use robotics to perform tasks that humans can’t or won’t. Tasks such as recycling, or collecting plastic from the ocean. In the latter, it should be possible to perform these tasks using only fuel sources available to a yacht on the open seas. Industrialization caused this pollution, maybe industrialization can undo it.

But that’s not all! The way a skilled doctor can diagnose issues with muscles or bones from observing you walk, or a neurological disorder from watching you sign your name, I believe algorithms can be written to do the same.

To these ends, I intend to learn about distributed robotics, machine perception, and motion planning.

In my spare time, I enjoy visiting other places. Please see a list of the countries I’ve visited here.